I went to bed at 5:38am last night. That's how much I love award shows. I will watch them live in whichever city, state, or country I'm in once February rolls around. That being said, MY GOD was this ceremony the longest ever? SO MUCH SINGING. A show that's already three and half hours on a good night does not need more stuff shoved into it.
All in all, I enjoyed most of it. I thought Seth MacFarlane did a good job, considering most of the media hated him before he even opened his mouth. (I like him and I don't care!) I think the Oscars are a tough job since the crowd is...well it's the one award show where they're not at tables drinking, so that doesn't help. But I think maybe next year, just have Amy and Tina host everything.
Some highlights:
Jennifer Lawrence winning....and falling.
I don't love that she fell, that would be cruel and awful. I love that she handled it so gracefully and with a wicked sense of humor. She's just the best. I'm going to forget that she's an Oscar winner/millionaire at 22 while I'm currently eating oatmeal for lunch in my sweatpants.
Bonus commentary: This came from my lovely former roommate Carolyn, who tells no lies:
"Can I just tell you that when Jennifer Lawrence tripped all I could think was that would probably be something that would happen to you in a similar circumstance."
These moments:
Some other random notes:
Listen, I am a Les Mis fanatic. I've seen the show seven times on stage and did enjoy the movie (I was ugly crying so bad by the time Empty Chairs was finished). However, WE GET IT, THE ACTORS SANG LIVE WHILE FILMING. I'm tired of hearing about this every. single. time. First of all, welcome to what Broadway singers do eight shows a week. Second, the actors in the film Across the Universe did this first back in 2007 and didn't get any recognition or awards for it. So let's calm ourselves a minute.
Joseph Gordon Levitt + Seth MacFarlane + Harry Potter sang and danced on stage. Then I passed out.
I'm now off to go pump some caffeine into my veins to get my body through class. Until next February, enjoy this picture of Seth MacFarlane's father:
All in all, I enjoyed most of it. I thought Seth MacFarlane did a good job, considering most of the media hated him before he even opened his mouth. (I like him and I don't care!) I think the Oscars are a tough job since the crowd is...well it's the one award show where they're not at tables drinking, so that doesn't help. But I think maybe next year, just have Amy and Tina host everything.
Some highlights:
Jennifer Lawrence winning....and falling.
I don't love that she fell, that would be cruel and awful. I love that she handled it so gracefully and with a wicked sense of humor. She's just the best. I'm going to forget that she's an Oscar winner/millionaire at 22 while I'm currently eating oatmeal for lunch in my sweatpants.
Bonus commentary: This came from my lovely former roommate Carolyn, who tells no lies:
"Can I just tell you that when Jennifer Lawrence tripped all I could think was that would probably be something that would happen to you in a similar circumstance."
Ben Affleck winning.
Argo was one of my favorite movies this past year, if not my favorite, and I'm so happy that he got the recognition that he deserved. Yes, there's a slight chance it might be a "sorry we didn't nominate you for Best Director, so here's an award for the move" win, but I still think he earned it. Coming out of the Bennifer era is no easy feat. Plus this speech is just...yes.
Adele Performing/Winning/Existing.
Grammy and Oscar down. Tony and Emmy to go. Get it girl!
Jessica Chastain and Naomi Watts.
In a year where I'm pretty sure everyone's stylist either quit or were super angry at their clients, Jessica Chastain and Naomi Watts were standouts. Everyone else needs to figure it out.
Seth MacFarlane's Christopher Plummer Introduction:
A Sound of Music bit is forever a good choice.
These moments:
Some other random notes:
Listen, I am a Les Mis fanatic. I've seen the show seven times on stage and did enjoy the movie (I was ugly crying so bad by the time Empty Chairs was finished). However, WE GET IT, THE ACTORS SANG LIVE WHILE FILMING. I'm tired of hearing about this every. single. time. First of all, welcome to what Broadway singers do eight shows a week. Second, the actors in the film Across the Universe did this first back in 2007 and didn't get any recognition or awards for it. So let's calm ourselves a minute.
Joseph Gordon Levitt + Seth MacFarlane + Harry Potter sang and danced on stage. Then I passed out.
I'm now off to go pump some caffeine into my veins to get my body through class. Until next February, enjoy this picture of Seth MacFarlane's father:
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Red Eye/Getty Images |
I love you. Spot on, my dear. Spot on. Why can't Joaquin spring for a shave and haircut?!?