A Few Things That Are Currently Keeping Me From Jumping Into the Thames

I'm knee deep in it, folks.

Need to do: 12,000 word dissertation (!), two 5,000 word essays (!!), one 2,500 word essay (!!!), and one 2,000 word essay (.....sorry I passed out for a second). BASICALLY, I'm close to the end of my rope (see what I did there?!) However, there are a few things that I just can't get enough of at the moment that are making the process a little easier. Hope you like them too!

....and that you don't have to write 26,500 words in the next month because that's MY THING. GET YOUR OWN.

honeyhoney - "Lost Highway" (Hank Williams cover)

I've been obsessed with hh for a few years now and the obsession is not letting up anytime soon. They're such a great blend of folk, americana, and indie. Plus they are a joy to see play live since they have such great personalities. (I swear, I'm not their manager....I wish). I had the pleasure of seeing them perform at a small pub here in London and they killed it, per usual. Especially with this cover. Here's a video of them performing it at the American Songwriter headquarters:

This GIF (and Orphan Black of course):

This is how I feel when people ask what I'm going to do with a Masters in English Literature. Or when people ask if I have a boyfriend. Or when people ask when I'm going to stop moving. Or when people ask why I own Mandy Moore's entire music catalogue:

Sidenote- GO WATCH ORPHAN BLACK RIGHT NOW. 10 episodes. Second season isn't until next year. You should probably take the weekend off anyways, etc. 

Nakd Bars:

I have recently been trying out veganism and honestly, really like it. I miss cheese, but my cholesterol probably does not. Anyway, I've found so many other brands in the process and my favorite is definitely these bars. I have them so often, I probably should invest in buying them at a warehouse. They're getting me through long writing sessions.


This is my actual collection of lipsticks. (Confession: four more are missing...I found them after I took this picture). Look, I like a strong lip (oh that's a loaded sentence). I know I have a serious problem. I obviously need an intervention. At least it's not crack, ok?!

Aziz Ansari's New Stand-up "Buried Alive"

If anyone wants to know why I/so many people you know are still single, then you need to watch this special. Aziz talks, so brilliantly, about how difficult (and ridiculous) dating has become with the added pressures of facebook, unspoken texting rules, and people's obsessions with sending pictures of their private parts to people they're casually dating (yes, it's so stupid). You'd be single too.

"Buried Alive" is available on Netflix, but here is a clip from his previous standup where he touched upon the devil invention also known as the text message:

These winter socks that my mom sent me

Thanks Ma!

This sweater by Savannah

The amount of consecutive days that I've worn this sweater has maxed at 6. It's so comfortable and warm, and I DON'T CARE I WILL SLEEP IN IT IF I WANT. (I didn't). And don't worry, I've showered.

London at Christmas:

Just stop with your amazingness, London. 

That's it for now! If you don't hear from me, might want to just check in and make sure I haven't suffocated myself with post it notes. 


  1. Love your blog, Sarah. Hang in there - it's all worth it!

    Louise and Neal


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