Guten Tag!

Hello all! Firstly, I just need to say (contractually) that this is the first blog entry written by a MASTERS DEGREE HOLDER. Yes, I somehow managed to fool everyone and get my degree. Ironically, I found out that I had officially passed as I was getting onto my plane to go back home. (Surprised I could actually read anything through all the tears). Anyways, it was good to find out at that moment, not only because the anticipation was killing me, but also so I didn't have to throw myself off the plane, which was my plan if I didn't pass. So yay!

Secondly, I'm writing this from a STILL cold New Hampshire, where I've made the act of microwaving a heating pack and hugging it in bed a nightly tradition. Clearly it was time that I revisit some warm pictures from this summer to remind myself that it will get to that temperature again. Someday. (Soon? Please?)

So I know I already wrote my goodbye entry, but I couldn't leave out the last three trips that I took since they were some of the best. So first up, Vienna! I got to travel to Vienna because my friend Nicola was smart enough to befriend an amazing Austrian who invited me along despite having never met me. She was simply the best. And so were her hosting skills. (Translation: She fed us too often).

First stop was OBVIOUSLY the Zoo. And....

ELEPHANTS! They just had a baby elephant that week which, as I soon found out, is technically the cutest baby animal in all the land. (#Science.)

It's hard to see, but the little fella is in there.

Christ, I love these animals.

And....more cute animals!


Gotta love those Beekeepers' humor. TO BEE OR NOT TO BEE. A+, ma'am/sir.

Next up was the stunning Schonbrunn Palace. This part was actually at the very top of the hill, overlooking the undersized and understated grounds. (#Sarcasm.)

Look at the sun, just posing.

It's a little too small for me.

Nic and I- discussing the real estate.

Obligatory Artsy photo.

Our first night out included drinks outside of a museum because we are classy ladies and a Kasekrainer (cheese filled sausage) stand inside a club that also had projected images up on the wall. (I instantly regretted that Kasekrainer FYI).

The Kunsthalle Wien

They just look like shapes, but they were pretty cool.
We also sat in old movie theater seats.
Because why not?

Another night treasure in the heart of Vienna was the gorgeous Opera House. (My first thought: ridiculous electric bill, no?)

One of the coolest parts? Watching Carmen live outside the Opera House. Who would've thought a nightly stroll to a bar could make you more cultured? (So I tell myself).

A few more of my favorite moments, including:

Sunday brunch. Outside. On lawn chairs.

Watching the classic film, The Third Man at an old Austrian movie theater:

Impromptu Sherlock viewing. (Well maybe impromptu for other people. This is nightly for me).
Benedict Cumberbatch looks good on Austrian TV too.

Andy Warhol at the Museum of Modern Art (Mumok)

Our venture out to find the cafe from Before Sunrise.

Is Ethan Hawke in here?
Julie Delpy?

And finally (and obviously), some special Austrian purchases:

Hope. Love. DEATH. Sure.
This helped a lot during the BEAST. (AKA my dissertation)

Our host Anna was truly one of a kind and I will always be grateful to her for taking such good care of us. (Seriously, I came back to London with even my leggings feeling tight). 

We had such an amazing trip, but one of my favorite moments occurred at the very end when Nic and I were forced to get creative with RyanAir's stupid/annoying/made just to piss off passengers rule of allowing onboard only one piece of luggage. (PURSE INCLUDED. I'm sorry, it's a joke). Anyways, this led to Nic putting on about five layers of clothes while in the security line, much to the happiness of  fellow passengers. The best part?:

Security Agent/Professional Ass: "Um ma'am, you can't just PUT on all of your clothes".

Nicola/Professional AWESOME PERSON: "....I get cold on airplanes".


Until next time!

Three Musketeers and a gorgeous blue sky.

Baby Elephant with a "V" to commemorate my trip.
Next time, I'm taking the actual animal.


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