A Few of My Favorite Things

In case you’re wondering, jet lag is still a very real thing. Between the 21893719 hours I slept yesterday and the ZZZquil I took a few hours ago that's just laughing at me now, I'm basically the walking dead. So I figured while I waited for my body to adjust, I would FINALLY write a new post. I was back home for a few weeks and being away from London reminded me of what I really love about this place. So here are only a few of my favorite things (cue the Von Trapps):

Made in Chelsea

The Hills in London. But starring young adults with serious money. Like, “what are you doing this weekend? Let’s go to Ibiza and lay on a yacht” kind of serious money. (None of this Laguna Beach, new money crap. I’m talking heir to fortunes). They started airing the first season in the US, but I don’t think it caught on.  Get yourself in front of a TV/Computer/Xbox whatever and watch. (Piece of advice: stick with Francis Boulle- you're going to think he's weird in season 1, but by season 5 you'll realize HE'S A GENIUS). It’s so glossy and softly filtered that it feels even more fake than 8th and Ocean. (Remember that show??) Plus it reminds you how your family trips weren’t to the Amalfi coast, but instead were road trips up North in a stick shift Caravan, stuck in the back with your sister while your dad stops every three seconds to pee and pick up brochures from rest stops. (“We go here every year Dad, you don’t have to keep grabbing pamphlets!”)

Photo: Channel 4


If you don’t know this about me, then let me inform you now. I have an obsession with makeup. I don’t even usually wear more than concealer and mascara during the week, but damn if I don’t have the entire left wall of Boots in my possession. (That’s CVS for you American folk). So when my friend introduced me to these makeup artist sisters who have amazing tutorials on Youtube, it resulted in lost hours (weeks) of viewing mesmerizing makeup applications. Check them out here (and cancel all of your plans for the day):

They’re also the nicest, friendliest people and even their family members are in the blogger/youtube biz. One of their brothers is Jim Chapman, who has multiple hysterical blogs/vlogs. (He's also engaged to Tanya Burr, who is another awesome youtube makeup star). Their other brother, John, is part of the LeanMachines personal training team. Their videos are actually super helpful and it doesn’t hurt that they are uber pretty to look at. Seriously, it almost makes me want to move to Norwich just to hire them as my personal trainers. (HAHA I couldn’t even type that without laughing….Where’s my peanut butter?)


Speaking of physical training...Hello 5 pound weight gain- how are ya? McVitie's biscuits have officially become the death of me. I can’t even explain- they’re just delicious. I’ll try to bring some home, if they make it through the plane ride. (Spoiler alert: they won't).


How can I describe Liberty’s? It’s a gorgeous, historical department store filled with things I can’t afford. (Easier than I thought). I normally just go in to walk around and touch things, much to the dismay of the employees, but this is also my celebrity sighting spot. Not only did I get to see and meet the ladies of Pixiwoo (above), but this is also the location where I SAW ADELE. IN THE FLESH. I swear, it was like seeing Jesus. (Amen).

Sidenote- I also saw Karl Lagerfeld (head of Chanel) getting into a car in Paris and I nearly fell over. Though I don't approve of him chatting on about Adele's weight (as if she's going to stop rolling around in her millions to pay attention), it was still one of my favorite celebrity sightings.


Oh man, the theater/re is so good here. And SO CHEAP. I can see shows without having to take out a mortgage (cough Broadway cough). The best one I’ve seen so far is Tennessee Williams’ Sweet Bird of Youth at the Old Vic. First of all, coolest name ever for a theater? Yes. Second of all, the building itself is incredible. So unique:

The play starred Kim Cattrall, who was obviously awesome. But her costar Seth Numrich was UNREAL. He was ridiculously good and I have a feeling he’s going to blow up. (I also said the same thing about Riley Smith from Disney’s Motocrossed, so take this with a grain of salt). My favorite line from the show: "The biggest difference between people is between those who have experienced love and those who haven't." (Be right back, busy sobbing into my Playbill).

Tube times

It’s a simple thing, but I love that the subway stations have a display that shows when the next train will arrive. There’s one subway in New York that does it, but that’s the only place in the US where I’ve seen this technology. It's such a smart idea. I probably look like an idiot when I'm gawking at it, but it's just so damn sensible! I’m also used to the Boston subway system which is “we’ll show up when we feel like it. You could also just use your damn legs, you wicked pain in the ass”.  (I miss ya Boston!)

Those are just a few of my favorite things since the full list would take up much more of my time (and I'm finally getting sleepy). I'm off to travel for the next few weeks, so expect some pictures and epically awkward stories when I get back!

p.s. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter (@Teawithpippa) and subscribe by email (all the way at the bottom) so you never miss a post!* Or don't, whatever. I won't know.

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