Don't Get Used to My Sappiness

Taking a moment to be a little sentimental, I wanted to chat about the below picture:

Three years ago I stayed at this hotel with my family for less than 24 hours en route to Southampton. It was my first, and only, time visiting the city. I decided on that brief stay that I would move to London. Someday, somehow. (My mother was not amused). 

Today I stumbled upon it while buying some books in the neighborhood. It caught me off guard and naturally I got all teary eyed looking at it. (However, take that emotion with a grain of salt as I also cried two days ago when a baby smiled at me).

I'm so happy to have fulfilled that promise to myself, but I'm also incredibly lucky. I wouldn't have been able to do it alone. So thank you to all the people who helped me get here (this blog is not long enough to list all of you).

And just to balance out the emotion of this post with a little humor (as my life tends to do), getting off the tube today, I slipped on the stairs at Kings Cross and fell on my face. Naturally. Bridget Jones for life, people. 


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