15,277 Words Later

15,277 words typed. In 14 days. (I technically had closer to 19 days, but I smartly decided that this was also the time to catch up on Mad Men...I finally get Zou Bisou Bisou now by the way). It was the most I've written, I think ever? It was very rough/kind of awesome. (You have to be slightly sick in the head in order to voluntarily put yourself in this position). I don't think I slept a full night in two weeks since there was always something to be researched. Or in my case, I had to research my research since I'm not as smart as I thought I was.

For a little perspective- I'm very aware that people do much harder things than this everyday. (I actually found a list of "which foods to eat during all nighters" from a doctor's online forum. You know, where they need to discuss these kinds of things in order to function and save people's lives 24/7. Can you say Shame 101?) But I will gladly complain about these past two weeks in the name of humor.

A few things I've learned about myself during this process:

1) I will do absolutely ANYTHING but my work when there's a deadline. Example: I spent hours looking at conspiracy theories to who January Jones' baby daddy is (Seriously- WHO IS IT?)

2) I deep down enjoy all nighters because I get to eat food all day. When I decided I needed to pull an all nighter, I basically skipped to the grocery store to stock up on peanut butter and biscuits. (Tip = put those two together. HAPPINESS).

3) I can get by on 4 hours of sleep for 4 days in a row - a new record! However, I also will drop a lot of objects on my foot and wear the same sweater as a result.

4) I can make a library cubicle feel homey (yes that is a Venti Starbucks. I'm not ashamed):

5) I'm very good at planning my Treat Yo Self day for when all of these essays would be over. But writing an outline? Nope. 

6) When I decided to take a break, I decided to do a little more than just going for a quick coffee:

Primrose Hill

6) I can't be near windows, even if they do look this sad:

7) Turns out, I'm really gross and messy when I'm stressed and not sleeping:

Yes I know, I have a lot of lipsticks.

All in all, it was a pretty tough few weeks and I still am unsure of how it all came together. Lots of peanut m&ms, flat whites, and family/friends who answered panicked emails and text messages in a timely fashion (thanks guys! and sorry...).

To sum up the feelings of relief, I give you my favorite obligatory dancing gifs from TV's greatest show Parks & Recreation:

(Sidenote-If you aren't familiar with this show, you are not welcome back to this blog until you watch it):


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