The Cumberbatch

It's one of my main goals to see Benedict Cumberbatch while in London (along with you know, completing my Masters). For those of you who are unfamiliar, he is most known in the States as playing Sherlock Holmes in the awesome BBC/PBS version (which is honestly very very good, if you haven't seen. Go watch it tonight. And no it's not that show on CBS called Elementary. Or the movie with Robert Downey Jr. Just go here. Geez). He's also going to be in the upcoming Star Trek and Hobbit films, for those of you who like that sort of thing. I might become a Trekkie just to see him and Chris Pine in the same film frame.

ANYHOO, he's actually been in a ton of other films as well, but it's one of those things where you only realize it about five years after the fact when you're randomly watching The Other Boleyn Girl on the airplane and see his face. (Don't lie, you know you'd choose that movie too if it was just between that and the/any Katherine Heigl one). I've become a big fan of his in the last few years and just want to be able to come home and say, "Oh ya, Benny and I had a pint that one time"....or more realistically, "Oh ya, I saw him on the tube and followed him five blocks and then ran away without saying anything to him".

(Side note- you might think I'm slightly crazy, but when I did a google image search for the above picture, I found way too much homemade fan art, so there are at least a few other people who are a tad crazier than I am about this chap).

 So begins my Cumberbatch Calendar:


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