Wait. What's the Date?

Well this is just ridiculous. Didn't I just get off a plane at Heathrow? Wasn't I just at orientation and (stupidly) excited about buying a school planner? And now I'm starting to research for my essays and taking out 6-10 books from the library. When did that happen? Just to add to the end of semester excitement, I have come down with a nice stomach bug. (Is it bad I'm mostly upset because I was so looking forward to the pizza I was hoarding for dinner tonight? I might still go for it.) So with the combination of four essays plus an annoying bug, I foresee only leggings and two ill-fitting sweaters on rotation for the next month while I recover and write until my eyeballs fall out. RIP showering/makeup/actual clothes. For anyone who meets me in the next four weeks, I sincerely apologize: