Ropes Galore

My favorite saying that I use, probably way too often for it to actually hold any weight, is "I'm at the end of my rope". I've said it with all kinds of inflictions: anger, defeat, humor (by humor, I mean delirium mixed with frustration and lack of sleep). Anyone who has seen me try to organize a schedule, struggle with a pickle jar (why so hard?!), look for the missing spare peanut butter without success, or spend hours on the phone with an airline has heard these words. So when I came across this quote, I had to post it. I always knew I liked Teddy.

"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on."
                                                                                - Theodore Roosevelt

Just waiting for the inevitable grad school ropes to appear so I can continue using my classic line. Most likely though, I'll probably say it tomorrow when I run out of my McVities dark chocolate biscuits. 


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