Roommate Lovin

Moving to London means many things. New country. New lifestyle. New school. And new roommates. And not just any roommates*. Roommates # 21, 22, 23, and 24. Yes kids, I've had 24 ROOMMATES since 2005. And before you ask, it's not because I've had to move in order to keep them from killing me (hopefully). It's just been simple math: changed dorms/apts + moved cities + different jobs/internships  = 24! And there's more to come, so I thought I'd put it out there what kind of roommate I am (author's note- if you've been my living partner before, please feel free to add. But only the good stuff. Or the adorably annoying):

1) As previously mentioned, I hit my head a lot. So much so that one of my former lovely roommates felt the need to buy me a helmet for Christmas. You might be obligated to do the same.

2) I love peanut butter. More than most humans. If you were to take a blood sample from me, 90% of it would most likely come back peanut butter. (Especially after the binge I just had with McVities Chocolate Biscuits). If you're my roommate, you might be given the task of hiding the jar from me, which wonderful roomies have done for me in the past. It's just the best for everyone. And my cholesterol thanks you.

3) I love TV an absurd amount.  I don't think there's anything wrong with watching twelve straight hours of 24 (DAMN IT BAUER) with the only exercise being the move from one side of the couch to the other. And to possibly make guacamole.

4) I make guacamole a lot.

5) The only electricity I really use is the microwave. (I have a knack for doing a lot of things in the dark).

6) I've had some epically horrific moves into apartments and they always turn out to be with the best roommates. So if everything goes wrong on move in day, then we'll be just fine.

7) I'm always up for brunch. Even if it's 4:00p on a Monday.

8) I care a lot about our dinner. I've been known to trek through a blizzard with former roommates to pick up our takeout food when the restaurant has told us there's no way they're delivering it.

9) I will probably come in and start a conversation with you while finding a way to wrap myself in your bed comforter and/or blanket. Probably when you're trying to do work (but you'll welcome the distraction).

10) I will force you to watch all 5 seasons of Friday Night Lights at some point. Probably not with me though since it might make you uncomfortable to see how often I ugly cry through them.

11) I will organize a bomb wine and cheese night for simple occasions, such as it being Wednesday.

12) My DVD collection is killer. I have everything from Goodfellas to Spice World. So ya, you're welcome.

13) I always have gum.

14) I own this, thanks to my awesome sister:

*Yes, I'm aware that they are called "flatmates" here, but I will not be calling them that. Room. Mates.


  1. i don't believe i've ever been forced to watch friday night lights. THANK GOODNESS hehe

  2. #5 may explain some head bumps.

  3. HAHAHA oh may have just changed everything.


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