Freelancer (Unemployed) Life

IT'S BEEN THREE YEARS?! God, I'm sorry. I feel like I went out for cigarettes and then just left you guys for the traveling troubadour that I met at an open mic night. Truthfully, I didn't feel like I had anything to write about when I stopped traveling around Europe and having adorable fish out of water experiences. But weirdly, a lot of life still managed to happen here in the good ol' USA (I will not talk politics) and, as I am now currently writing this in a coffee shop, my transition into Basic Brooklyn Hipster is now complete. The biggest change has been in my "career". After having a job in a different field for two years, I am back in the TV world and am currently a freelancer...which is a fancy way of saying I'm unemployed a lot of the time. It's a temporary life, but it's one that has been filled with nuggets of self-awareness and eye-opening realizations. Here are 10 things I've discovered while freelancing/riding that unemploym...