
Freelancer (Unemployed) Life

IT'S BEEN THREE YEARS?! God, I'm sorry. I feel like I went out for cigarettes and then just left you guys for the traveling troubadour that I met at an open mic night. Truthfully, I didn't feel like I had anything to write about when I stopped traveling around Europe and having adorable fish out of water experiences. But weirdly, a lot of life still managed to happen here in the good ol' USA (I will not talk politics) and, as I am now currently writing this in a coffee shop, my transition into Basic Brooklyn Hipster is now complete. The biggest change has been in my "career". After having a job in a different field for two years, I am back in the TV world and am currently a freelancer...which is a fancy way of saying I'm unemployed a lot of the time. It's a temporary life, but it's one that has been filled with nuggets of self-awareness and eye-opening realizations. Here are 10 things I've discovered while freelancing/riding that unemploym...

Party Like It's...Seven Months Ago

EDITOR'S NOTE: I am very much aware of how delayed this post is, but I needed a good stretch of time to reform the portions of my brain that contain my wit. (I'm born with it obviously, but it needs a regeneration period every seven years. #science). So let's just Memento this thing and go back to December 2013. My bear was over this Dissertation shit too.  At this point, I had not yet submitted my dissertation, but was at the stage where I was beginning to have stress dreams starring Jean Rhys (which by the way are frightening. Her life was stressful enough). It's hard to describe exactly how deep in it I was, so instead of words, I'll turn to my trusty default form of expression: GIFS.  Basically: By Thanksgiving, it was a lot of this: And by Christmas...this: And from then on...mostly this: And all I wanted to really do was this:         So in short terms, I needed a holiday BAD. Enter my favorite t...

Soundtracks to All Nighters

This past year was filled with a disgusting amount of all nighters, which I am WAY too old for (I was too old for it at 20, so it only got worse). But the one good thing that came out of it, besides talented(delirious) dance routines, was the discovery and rediscovery of some great albums. I had some very odd choices in terms of what helped me to write/keep me from throwing myself out the window. Here is the list of some of the ones that got me through those rough nights: Carly Simon "Carly Simon" The Maccabees - "Given to the Wild" Emeli Sande - "Our Version of Events" Birdy - "Birdy", "Fire Within" Macklemore and Ryan Lewis - "VS. Redux" Joni Mitchell- "Clouds" Ella Fitzgerald - "The Voice of Jazz" Pure Bathing Culture - "Moon Tides" Wilco - "The Whole Love" Mark Isham - " Life as a House Soundtrack" - this is for that good, panic cry that happens around ...

Guten Tag!

Hello all! Firstly, I just need to say (contractually) that this is the first blog entry written by a MASTERS DEGREE HOLDER. Yes, I somehow managed to fool everyone and get my degree. Ironically, I found out that I had officially passed as I was getting onto my plane to go back home. (Surprised I could actually read anything through all the tears). Anyways, it was good to find out at that moment, not only because the anticipation was killing me, but also so I didn't have to throw myself off the plane, which was my plan if I didn't pass. So yay! Secondly, I'm writing this from a STILL cold New Hampshire, where I've made the act of microwaving a heating pack and hugging it in bed a nightly tradition. Clearly it was time that I revisit some warm pictures from this summer to remind myself that it will get to that temperature again. Someday. (Soon? Please?) So I know I already wrote my goodbye entry, but I couldn't leave out the last three trips that I took since the...