
Showing posts from November, 2013

My Head Hurts: Part Deux

I knew my trusty ol' (and apparently large and inconvenient) noggin was determined to smack itself against more surfaces. Without further ado, I give you: MORE London Surfaces I've Hit My Head On (aka I Told You So): This locker: Ya I see you, Locker Y97 This closet: Welcome to your new apartment! Now slam your head against this. This ceiling at my university: My Student Survey: Make ceilings NORMAL HEIGHTS PLEASE. This cabinet door: I just want my peanut butter! This fire alarm on the tube (top center red thingy): Ya, I have an emergency. I'm bleeding from THE CRANIUM. This bus ceiling: What a way to end an already awesome commute. STOP MOCKING ME, LONDON TRANSPORT. I'm off to go see if I can donate my brain to science and have them figure out how I've lived this long. Until next time! P.S. See the previous London surfaces that have welcomed my head here .