
Showing posts from July, 2014

Party Like It's...Seven Months Ago

EDITOR'S NOTE: I am very much aware of how delayed this post is, but I needed a good stretch of time to reform the portions of my brain that contain my wit. (I'm born with it obviously, but it needs a regeneration period every seven years. #science). So let's just Memento this thing and go back to December 2013. My bear was over this Dissertation shit too.  At this point, I had not yet submitted my dissertation, but was at the stage where I was beginning to have stress dreams starring Jean Rhys (which by the way are frightening. Her life was stressful enough). It's hard to describe exactly how deep in it I was, so instead of words, I'll turn to my trusty default form of expression: GIFS.  Basically: By Thanksgiving, it was a lot of this: And by Christmas...this: And from then on...mostly this: And all I wanted to really do was this:         So in short terms, I needed a holiday BAD. Enter my favorite t...