
Out of all the cities I've either lived in or traveled to, I've always been most excited to come home to Boston. The skyline appearing around the corner on 93S has always welcomed me back. I'm still in awe of the first responders, volunteers, and locals I saw on Monday, but not at all surprised by their behavior. I'm so proud that this city's character and pride has shown through all of this unnecessary terror and pain. And if there's one thing I know from my time spent there, it's that you don't mess with Bostonians. They are some of the most resilient, strong, and protective people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Spencer Platt/Getty Images The One Fund has been created by Mayor Menino and Governor Patrick in order to raise money for the families and victims of the marathon bombings. To donate, go here: http://www.onefundboston.org/ “At moments like this, we are one state, one city, and one people." Fenway Park, October ...